Mad About Chevron!

I always loved a chevron pattern. It’s always able to make a small add on, add in a BIG way. Missoni is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of the zig zag pattern. From what I here Target is coming to Montréal, and guess what Target carries? Eek! Somehow Missoni managed to just perfect the Chevron art that will make any room absolutely flare.
The great thing about different colors is that infants start to differentiate them by 8 weeks. The human psyche is a beautiful thing. Chevron can change not only a mood in a room but a person’s mood as well.
Infants usually zone in on bright, active, colors; like emeralds, and baby blues. Colors of this fashion can actually soothe a baby’s mood. And when baby is happy, mommies are happy. So drape a chevron blanket over the crib, or opposite colored armchair. Curious babies love their opposites. Just something to think about for the nursery.
And don’t be afraid to mix and match. Bold is always better. Floral designs for example are fabulous with chevron. And if you don’t like too much pop, get a floral designs embedded in the pattern to help create a more neutral ambiance.
But head with caution, Don’t go over board! Choose only one item in the pattern. No one wants to walk into a dizzying room. To much zig zaging can actually make you nauseated… not the greatest feeling when your pregnant, BELIEVE ME!