Essie Contest

Unlike in the cases of shopaholics and chocaholics, no name has been given for those who are addicted to nail polish. We are a rare breed of women, constantly in search of the best and the greatest that the nail world has to offer. Whether it’s the newest painting technique, the most durable top coat, or the perfect seasonal color, you can be sure that it’s on our radar. For my trip to Chicago, I was on the hunt for the later, my go-to summer shade. In my collection of polish, I tend to favor the classics. You’ll find all shades of reds, pinks, and neutrals that go perfectly with just about everything. This time, I was looking for red with a subtle orange undertone; something with a hint of spice but not so overstated that it couldn’t keep up with my ever-changing wardrobe. Unsurprisingly, I found exactly what I was looking for from one of my favorite polish companies, Essie. The polish’s name? Fifth Avenue. A fashionably fitting name for a fashion conscious girl. Absolute perfection!
Try the shade yourself and see if my summer nail staple will be yours as well! Also, don’t forget to join our contest below, fellow nail polish addicts! You’ll be glad you did!
Every friday, I will be giving away one of my favorite Essie shades to one lucky reader. The rules are really simple!
1. Go to facebook and Like the Serial Indulgence page
2. Leaving a comment in this post telling me what you plan on wearing with the shade of the week.
3. Sign the comment with your facebook name.
The winner will be announced on facebook the following friday before 12pm.
Good luck my lovelies!