Summer Slimming: Day 1

Over indulging in food can sometimes lead to overly tight clothing… a definite no-no in a fashionista’s wardrobe. And when this happens, diet and exercise are the only answer. To get my body ready for swimsuit season, I’ve put myself on a strict regimen of healthy eating and working out. (If broadcasting the fact that I’m trying to lose weight online doesn’t get me motivated to shed a few pounds, I don’t know what will!) I’ll keep you updated on what foods I eat and what exercises I do, and by the end, I hope to see results! Wish me luck!
Day 1: I started off my day with a bowl of cereal with low fat milk. When it came time for lunch, I opted for a bell pepper omelet with goat cheese. Yum! Dinner was scrumptious salmon with rapini. Judging from day 1, dieting doesn’t seem so bad… fingers crossed!
Check in tomorrow to see what tasty treats I came up with to fill my day and to see how the first day of my workout routine went! Yikes!
Photo credit: veggienumnum – The Heathy Foodie